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Unknown Facts About The Dangerous Jewish Book: Talmud -

This Is What Written In The Dangerous Talmud -

What is actually written in the Talmud

Although the Almighty God revealed the Torah to Moses, but today's Jews follow and recite Talmud more than the Torah. They call themselves people of the book, but they have two books, one of which is the Torah, which was revealed to them by God, and the other is the Talmud, which was fabricated by Jewish scholars according to their own.

The Torah contains God's commands, instructions and rituals, while some parts of the Talmud are copied from the Torah, while most of the Talmud is a summary of the ideas of Jewish scholars and the discussions between them.

And this contains methods of governance, control of society, religious rituals, relations between families, economy, education and training, business and management methods and all other matters.

The special thing is that it is not only related to a specific era but it is a collection of discussions, investigations, ideas and instructions of all times. Because in it you will easily find information about meditation, astronomy, magic, sex and many such other fields of life.

This book consists of several volumes which were written in thousands of years of long experience and hard work. Jews believe that Moses gave the Torah to Aaron. And from Aaron, this book reached the rest of the Prophets through Joshua Ben Noun.

Jews believe that one Torah was given to Moses by God in written form and the knowledge of the other Torah was given orally which later reached the rest of the Jews through Aaron. Which was written in the form of a book and given the name Talmud, which means teacher.

According to Jewish scholars, this book contains their history dating back thousands of years, including the accidents and incidents that happened to them. Many Christian rulers burned the Talmud. And since hardly 0.001% of Muslims or Christians would have read the Talmud, so they do not know what is written in this book and what lesson the Jews get from it.

A Romanian Jewish scholar writes in his book "The History of the Jews" that if a Jew kills or betrays a non-Jew, there is no sin on him, but if a non-Jew tries to do so, it is a big unpardonable sin for him. 

According to this book, only the Jews are the caliph and beloved nation of God on earth and the rest of the human beings have been created by God to serve the Jews, just as animals are created to serve humans so that they can treat them as they want.

If they want, they can cheat them, rob them of their honor, seize their property and massacre them, all these are permissible for these Jews.

Not all the Jews gathered in Israel are descendants of our master Jacob, as this Jewish scholar also writes in his book, saying that the majority of the present Israelis are descended from pagan Greeks and Romans, whose ancestors once oppressed the Jews. Because during this massacre they made the Jewish women their slaves.

And perhaps this is the reason that according to the Jews, a Jew is one whose mother, grandmother or great-grandmother is a Jew. The Torah which the Almighty God revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai does not exist today in its original state. In it, the Jewish scholars have changed its teachings to a great extent by making changes according to their wishes.

History is a witness that in whatever country this nation went and settled in, the people there pushed it out of the country due to its conspiracies, tyranny and hypocrisy. Because these people wanted to occupy whatever country they went to. The torment of which was revealed to their future generations in the form of Adolf Hitler.

Therefore, they should have treated the Palestinians with compassion instead of imposing their Hitlerism on them after the establishment of the Israeli state, but they did the opposite. Therefore, this Jewish nation does not deserve any sympathy at all.

In fact, today's Palestinians are the original Jews who later became Muslims with the passage of time. Still, today massacre, hypocrisy and tyranny have become the favorite pastime of these so-called Jews. Because unfortunately, the incompetent Arab rulers do not have the power or capability to save the Palestinians from their oppression.

Therefore, every day, hundreds of innocent Palestinian women and children are subjected to the tyranny and brutality of the Jews. But there are some Jews among the Jews who do not like their oppression and have always openly opposed them.

There are many examples of this, but it is very important to mention the names of some main and Nobel laureates people who have been trying to reform these cruel Jews every century. Whose names are something like this - 
  1. Famous Roman historian Cassius Dio
  2. Roman Lawyer & scholar, Marcus Tullius Cicero
  3. Ancient Greek Historian Diodorus Siculus
  4. Famous German Priest Martin Luther and
  5. Great Irish Playwright, George Bernard Shaw
But alas, today the Jews have tied the world to their media, politics and economic institutions in such a way that all of them have become their sympathizers.

Seeing their tyranny and barbarism on the Palestinians today, it cannot be said that this is the same nation that GOD saved from the oppression of Pharaoh and made way for them by tearing the chest of the river Nile. These people cannot be descended from our master Jacob or Moses at all.

Jews believe that the Talmud is also a heavenly book and not only that, but a group in them consider it even better and more sacred than the Torah. Because it is written in the Talmud that if a person looks at the Torah with disdain, it does not matter, but respect for the Talmud is obligatory on him at all.

This book narrates the sad story of the past events of the Jews and the tyranny and brutality that happened to them in the past and it is not an ordinary book but a complete policy and systematic plan. While in fact, the reality is quite the opposite because neither it has anything to do with the divine revelation nor is it a religious book.

Rather, it is a dangerous political document very carefully prepared by the Council of Jewish Scholars. The main motive of the Jewish scholars behind its writing was to take revenge for the atrocities committed against them in the past. Therefore, if a Jew even accidentally passes the Talmud on to a non-Jew, his only punishment is death.

But it was the Jews themselves who many times broke their silence on the brutality described in this book and exposed its evil reality to the world. In this book, very bad words have been used about GOD and His Prophets, our Father Adam, Mother Eve and our mistress Holy Mary, which are indescribable here.

Apart from that, what are the selfish and anti-human Jewish beliefs of the Jews that are still taught to them as their religious beliefs today? To explain this, I am quoting a few sentences from this book because it is written in the Talmud that God's day consists of 12 hours.

In the first 3 hours, God studies the Torah, then for three hours he issues his orders on the earth and in the heavens, for three hours he provides sustenance to the world, and in his last three hours, he is busy, playing with the king of fishes.

And after that, it is written that when God ordered the destruction of the temple, he was in the wrong and confessing it, he wept and said, "Woe to me, that I myself ordered the destruction of my own house, I let the temple be burnt and destroyed my children i.e. the Jews.God is very ashamed of having put his children in this condition and every day he slaps his face and weeps.

Sometimes two drops of his tears fall into the ocean, creating a terrifying scream that the whole universe hears. The sea trembles with the intensity of this terrible scream and becomes restless and the earth trembles. In other words, even God Almighty has also been called a fool and a liar who acts angrily and foolishly like a madman.

To Be Continued!!!

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