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Iranian Drama Yousuf-E Payambar Exposed

Truth Behind The Iranian Drama Series Yousuf-E Payambar?? Exposed -

Truth Behind The Iranian Drama Series Yousuf-E Payambar?? Exposed -

Assalamu Alaykum

I, Dhul-Qarnayn Arslan Your Host -

And Our Today's topic is based on the reality behind the Iranian drama series Yousuf-e Payambar, published in the year 2008, at the request of some of our regular readers. The series gained a lot of fame and was dubbed into many languages. But there are historical flaws in this drama that will be incorporated into it. Which is totally not only a historical mistake but also a great lie. 

Therefore, it is totally unacceptable to accept this drama as reality. In fact, this is the reason why some people consider Asenath to be the wife of Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) while Asenath was already married and in age, was much older than Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him). 

Asenath's 40-day-old son testified to Prophet Yusuf's (Peace Be Upon Him) innocence. Abdullah ibn Abbas, who was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah Be Upon Him), & Imam Ghazali wrote in their books and Tafsirs that prophet Yusuf Peace Be Upon Him had only one wife and that was Zulaykha (Peace be upon her), not Asenath. But some hypocrites describe Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) as a wicked and lowly woman. 

One of the fundamental reasons for describing Asenath as a wife of Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) is the same Iranian drama series, "Yousuf-e Payambar", which was published in 2008 and is completely based on lies. It has been told that Akhenaten, born in 1372 BC, was the ruler of Egypt during the time of Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him), which is the biggest lie of the century. 

According to this Drama, Aziz-i-Misr was the title of the king's prime minister in Egypt at that time. And the Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) was appointed by Akhenaten as the Prime Minister of Egypt whereas, in the Quran, Allah says, We gave Yusuf the rule of all Egypt. According to Abdullah Ibn Abbas and Imam Ghazali, Aziz-i-Misr was the title of the Egyptian kings before they were called Firawn.    

And until Prophet Yusuf and his descendants ruled Egypt. Till then the title of the emperors of Egypt was Aziz-i-Misr. As long as the Bani Israel remained on the path shown by Allah and his Prophets, Egypt remained under their rule, but when they became rebellious and polytheistic, Allah imposed tyrannical Pharaohs on them. And from then onwards the kings of Egypt were called Pharaohs.

It has been told in this drama series that the Pharaoh, Akhenaten had married Prophet Yusuf to Asenath. And from Asenath, Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) had a daughter, "Manasseh", and a son, "Efrahim", whereas Abdallah Ibn Abbas and Imam Ghazali write, Prophet Yusuf was married to Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) and Prophet Yusuf had 11 sons from her. 

And among them, the name of the eldest son was Ifrahim, who was a lookalike of Prophet Yusuf. And Allah made all the sons prophets. When I read the Bible and watched the whole drama, I found that this drama is not based on reality. Some storylines of this drama series are based on the Bible. The rest of the story is neither found in any hadith, nor in any tafsir or any historical book. Therefore, by watching such drama series, do not waste your time and faith and refrain from watching them.

Who Was Queen Zulaykha? (سلام اللہ علیہا) -

Yousuf-E Pyambar (2008)
Katayoun Riahi As The Queen of Egypt, Zulaykha Salamullah Alayha

Abdullah Ibn Abbas writes in his Interpretation of the Qur'an that Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) was the princess of Yemen. Her Father Taymous was a great king of the West. When she was nine years old, she saw Prophet Yousuf (Peace Be Upon Him) in her dream. Since then Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) had fallen in love with Prophet Yousuf (Peace Be Upon Him). Although Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) was not even born yet. In this regard, Imam Ghazali (May Allah be pleased with him) writes that Zulaikha (Peace Be Upon Her) was in her early youth yet. 

And she saw Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) in her dream. However, when she opened her eyes, she squeaked loudly. Hearing her screams, her father Taymous came to her and asked, "O My Beloved Daughter! what is the reason for you screaming." She said, "O My Father! I've seen a beautiful young man in my dream. I've become mad at him. My mind is not working." He said, "If you see him again in your dream, ask him, who he is? Where does he live? I will stake all my Empire to get him, wherever he is found, I will take you to him.  

Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) saw Prophet Yousuf again in her dream after a year. This time there was a conversation between them.  Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Him) asked Prophet Yousuf (Peace Be Upon Him), Who are you? Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) said I am human, I am for you and you are for me. Hazrat Yusuf simply says that this is where Zulaykha's eyes open. And the dream ends here. This dream becomes the reason for Zulaikha (Peace Be Upon Her) to go insane. And She had to pass away this disease of madness continuously for 3 years. 

The madness increased to such an extent that she was imprisoned. so that she wouldn't harm anyone because of her madness. Therefore, she was imprisoned for a year. She used to pluck her hair. For the third time after a year, Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) again sees Yusuf in her dream and this time Zulaykha asks Yousuf (Peace Be Upon Him) who are you? Where I will find you? Prophet Yousuf (Peace Be Upon Him) said, I am the king of Egypt and will meet you in Egypt. 

After this dream, when the morning dawned, then all the madness of Hazrat Zulaykha (peace be upon her) ended. She called out to his father and said, O My Father! I am cured and he has given his address that he is the king of Egypt. I will find him in Egypt. Abdullah Ibn Abbas (May Allah be please with him) writes that Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) was the most beautiful woman of her time. To marry her, the emperors of different 19 countries had sent messages. 

Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) asked his father Taymous whether the name of Egypt was also included in those countries. Her father said, No, O my beloved daughter! Zuleikha (Peace Be Upon Her) told his father, I want to marry the king of Egypt. Therefore the king of Yemen canceled all those messages. The king of Yemen Taymous sent a message to the king of Egypt (whose name was Qitteen or Qitfeer). 

In which the king of Yemen wrote, 'My daughter is very beautiful and she loves you and wants me to marry her with you.' At that time there was a long distance of 6 months between Yemen and Egypt. However, when this message reached Aziz-i-Misr, he replied, "Whoever wants us, we also want him." Therefore, Zulaykha Salaamullah Alayhaa was married to the king of Egypt. 

The father said goodbye to his daughter with 1000 slaves and 1000 handmaids and many other kinds of equipment. Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) was so engrossed in her thoughts that how beautiful he would be. Today my dream has come true. Since there was this ritual that man and woman could not see each other before marriage. So when Aziz-i-Misr entered Hazrat Zulaykha's room after getting married, she asked her maid, who he is? 

The maid said, he is your husband, seeing him, the condition of Hazrat Zulaikha (Peace Be Upon Her) started deteriorating. She covered her face with her hands. She thought, whether no, this is not my husband. He had said that he is the king of Egypt but this man is not him, whom I saw in my dreams. Zulaykha's (Peace Be Upon Her) maid told her that you yourself had desired to marry Aziz-i-Misr. 

An angel came in the form of a bird and said to Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Him), be patient and stay here, the one whom you have met in your dreams, you will find him here. Abdullah Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him) writes that since Allah's intention was something else and Allah had appointed Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) for Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him). So Allah sent a Jinn woman in the form of Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) to Aziiz of Misr. 

That Jinn woman was with the king all night. But the king was in this misunderstanding that he had spent the night with his wife. Thus Allah protected Queen Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) from the king and even after marrying him, Zulaikha (Peace Be Upon Her) remained safe. Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) was patient. And a day also came when Prophet Yusuf, the Messenger of Allah, (May Peace and Blessings be upon him) came in a form of a slave in the Egyptian market as the next king of Egypt.

So now the decision is yours. Now keeping this evidence in front of your eyes tell me that the proofless and false drama made by the Shiites is the truth? or are the Tafsirs and historical books written by the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah Be Upon Him) and scholars of Ahlus Sunnah, the truth.

Now the main thing which has been shown in this drama series Yousuf-e Pyambar is that Akhenaten was the king of Egypt in the time of Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him). So if you think that this drama series has been told correctly, now we dispel your doubts with strong evidence. 

Who Was Akhenaten?

A fresco of Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti worshiping the sun god Aten on clay plates found at Amarna.
Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti worshiping the sun god Aten, fresco drawn on clay plates, found at Amarna.

What are the thoughts of our dear readers on the picture shown above? As a matter of fact, these are the soil plates which was found in Amarna. In the year 1887, these soil plates named, "The Letters of Amarna", were founded by the local Egyptian people during the excavation. One of the plates clearly depicts Akhenaten and his wife Nefertiti worshiping the sun god named, "Aten" (The Sun Disk).

This is clear proof that the Pharaoh Akhenaten has no connection with the Messenger of Allah, Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him), far and wide. On the contrary, Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) had passed away from Pharaoh Akhenaten many centuries (320 Years) ago. 

Will anyone still say that Akhenaten was the king of Egypt in the time of Prohet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him), despite this clear evidence(S)?

So Let Me Present Some More Strong Evidence -

Actually, the reality is quite opposite of this drama. As a matter of fact, Akhenaten had already passed 80 years before Prophet Musa. And Akhenaten was born 320 years after the death of Prophet Yusuf. The same drama is also the reason why Akhenaten and Prophet Yusuf's times are said to be the same. And the second biggest reason is that Akhenaten started a new religion in Egypt by abandoning the 3000-year-old religion of his ancestors. 

In which he invited his people to worship the sun god, Whom he named Aten. And in the name of his new god, he changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten, which means the servant of Aten. Upon reaching the age of 15, Akhenaten ordered the establishment of a new capital city of his empire, as well as he changed his name and religion. he named his new capital city Akhetaten, after the name of his god Aten. 

Akhetaten was settled 160 miles from present-day Cairo. Akhenaten ruled Egypt for 17 years and then his breath did not support him, due to his incurable disease, Akhenaten said goodbye to this world in 1335 BC at the age of 37. Akhenaten used to abstain from the battles and bleeding. After Akhenaten, his son Tutankhamun completely ruined his father's inhabited capital city. 

And he, Tutankhamun adopted the same religion as his ancestors as old as 3000 years. That is, he again started worshiping the statue of God Amun. He also changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun, which means, the living image of Amun. Akhenaten had married his own two daughters and a sister. The circumstances of Akhenaten's time were known from the plaques named, the letters of the Amarna, which were found in his capital, Akhetaten. 

The Letters of Amarna, which describes the circumstances of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt and the times of Pharaoh Akhenaten.
The Letters of Amarna (1887)

"The Letters of Amarna", found during excavations from Amarna describe the circumstances of Akhenaten's time. Akhenaten himself had ordered his courtiers to write the incidents that happened during his time on these placards, so following his order, his courtiers (whenever a big event happened under his rule) used to write the details of those events on the placards. Many of those placards depict Akhenaten worshiping the sun and there is also a placard depicting Akhenaten worshiping the sun with his three daughters and wife Nefertiti. 

Akhenaten had a daughter named Ankhesenamun. Akhenaten married his own two daughters and one of them was named Ankhesenamun. Ankhesenamun first became the target of her own father Akhenaten's sexual lust. Then his own half-brother Tutankhamun married Ankhesenamun and as a result of that marriage, two daughters were born to Tutankhamun who died during birth due to physical weakness.

And Tutankhamun himself also died suddenly at the age of 19, then Ankhesenamun was the last heir to the throne of her 18th dynasty of Egypt. His maternal grandfather, whose name was Aye, after the sudden death of Tutankhamun, he started pressuring Ankhesenamun to marry him so that he could take the throne over Egypt. And from here the rule of the 19th dynasty began in Egypt. The third pharaoh of this 19th dynasty was Ramses II, during whose reign Prophet Musa (Peace Be Upon Him) was born.

However, In the time of Akhenaten, neither there is any mention of the occurrence of any famine nor of dealing with that famine, which was at the time of Prophet Yusuf. Through DNA testing of Tut Ankh Amun's mummy, it was found that Akhenaten had married his younger sister and as a result of their marriage, Tut Ankh Amun was born. In the letters of Amarna, there is also a mention of the marriage of Akhenaten's two daughters and his real sister to Akhenaten. 

Conclusion -

Now tell me, can someone in the company of the Messenger of Allah do such a thing? Do the teachings of the Messenger of Allah allow one to marry one's own sisters or daughters? no no? So how can you claim or say that Akhenaten was the king of Egypt at the time of Joseph? According to all this evidence and Islam, Akhenaten has no relation with Prophet Yusuf, even remotely, and this drama is a fabrication and a lie.

This is a completely fabricated and fake thing from both the historical and the religious point of view. And none of the commentators, historians and Muhaddiths in their books, Tafsirs or any Hadith has mentioned the authority of Akhenaten in the time of Prophet Yusuf. Nor is there any mention of the marriage of Prophet Yusuf to a woman named Asenath.

However, there is no doubt that Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) was rejuvenated again by Allah. And then Prophet Yusuf (Peace Be Upon Him) married her. Rather, those who falsify this thing and describe Zulaykha (Peace Be Upon Her) as a wicked and lowly woman, are the biggest hypocrites and liars of the century. Therefore, neither Akhenaten has any relation with Sayyidina Siddiq nor did he marry a woman named Asenath.   

So, it would be better that you know the truth from the historical books and Tafsirs of the companions of Prophet Muhammad and late scholars by not believing the lies of fabricated and false drama series.

We'll bring this series of Prophet Yusuf Alayhissalam in also English soon.

Writer & Publisher - Dhul-Qarnayn Arslan 

Original Text - Persian

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