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The Dead Body of Pharaoh And The Promise And Miracle of Allah -

The Dead Body of Pharaoh & The Promise & Miracle of Allah -

We brought the Children of Israel across the sea. Then Pharaoh and his soldiers pursued them unjustly and oppressively. But as Pharaoh was drowning, he cried out, “I believe that there is no god except that in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am ˹now˺ one of those who submit.”

He was told, “Now you believe? But you always disobeyed and were one of the corruptors.

Today We will preserve your corpse so that thou may be a sign of warning for those who come after thee. And surely most people are heedless of Our Signs!”

(The Holy Quran Surah Younus Ayah No. 90 to 92)

Assalamu Alaykum dear viewers, I, Shaam Bin Mohamed, your host. And our today's topic is based on the Interpretation of Surah Younus Ayah Number 90 to 92.

Have you ever thought about how was the reason for Pharaoh's death found out from his dead body?? Before the year 1891, no one in this world knew where the body of Pharaoh who claimed to be God was? Or what caused his terrible end?? This incident was mentioned in detail in the heavenly books, the Gospel, the Torah, and the Quran.

Pursuing Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him) and his Ummah, Pharaoh met his end by drowning in the sea with all his forces. But Prophet Musa (Peace be upon him) and his Ummah crossed the river and migrated safely from Egypt to Canaan. The Bible and the Torah are silent about what happened to Pharaoh after that. 

But related to the Pharaoh's dead body, Allah says in the Holy Quran And we will take your body out of the sea and save it. And we will make you a sign of warning for future nations (Surah Younus Ayah No. 92). About 3500 years ago, Pharaoh's body was thrown out by the sea by the command of Allah. But no sign of the rest of the army was found. 

When one of his courtiers recognized his dead body on the seashore, he informed the pharaoh's successor. For a long period, Pharaoh's body was immersed in water, so a layer of sea salts remained on his body. The courtiers put spices on his body and buried him with great pomp in his coffin. The process of burying the dead body with spices seems to have been learned by the Egyptians for this day. 

As time passed, the earth and sky saw many movements and accidents. Under whose cover everything became invisible. Even the great pharaohs of Egypt died. Their bodies were hidden in the depth of the earth and their names were limited only to the pages of history and their grand buildings in the minds of the people. 

Two thousand years after this incident, the last of the prophets (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him and his children) appeared in this world. In the Holy Quran revealed to you, Allah had mentioned the terrible end of Ramesses II who claimed to be god. In that era, all the Companions of the Prophets (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him and his children) and the people of Arabia had a firm belief in the truth of this statement. 

But they were unaware of where the body of this pharaoh who claimed to be God would have been protected. On July 6, 1881, The members of the Egyptian Antiquities Authority, led by French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero and his German assistant Émile Brugsch along with Egyptologist Ahmed Pasha Kamal, and Director of Qena police station Daoud Pasha started to investigate the Valley of the Kings.

where they found tombs and royal mummies of the most distinguished kings and queens of the ancient Egyptian dynasties, including the Pharaoh Ramesses II. His name was written in the Coptic language on his coffin and chest. On July 15, the steamboat belonging to the Antiquities Authority arrived to carry the royal mummies to Cairo. When these mummies were evaluated in detail, the layer of sea salt on the body of the pharaoh confirmed that this is his dead body.

It was found out that this is the Pharaoh who was drowned by Allah in the sea due to his rebellion and cruelty. It was the biggest discovery of the century, so archaeologists from around the world rushed to Egypt. In the investigation, they found that compared to other mummies, only the pharaoh Ramesses's mummy had a layer of sea salts on his dead body.

After this confirmation, it was declared the body of Pharaoh Ramesses II and preserved in the museum of Egypt. In 1982, when Pharaoh's body began to deteriorate, then the Egyptian government requested the French government to preserve the Pharaoh's body from thawing rot and to find the cause of his death through modern scientific technology. So even after the death of Pharaoh, it was arranged to take him to France in a lavish style.

When Pharaoh's body was brought to France, the President of France himself along with other government officials welcomed the Pharaoh at the airport in a lavish style. Even French troops saluted him. His body was handed over to a team of experts, doctors and scientists. The head of this team was Dr. Maurice Bucaille who was a Christian. Subtly, they examined all the organs of the pharaoh's body through microscopic tests. 

When the examination was completed, they found that the particles of sea salts were still present on Pharaoh's body. And the cause of his death was drowning in the sea. It was surprising to Dr. Maurice Bucaille that the death of a king should be caused by drowning in the sea. This forced Dr. Maurice to investigate and confirm further. 

He found that the reason for the death of this pharaoh has been mentioned in the Holy Quran revealed to the last of the prophets 1400 years ago (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him and his children). So because he knew that the place where Pharaoh's body was discovered is an Islamic country, so his curiosity of knowing attracted him back to Egypt.

He was a scientist so he talked to an Egyptian scientist about this matter. This Egyptian scientist opened the Holy Quran and recited the word-by-word translation of Surah Yunus verses 90 to 92 in front of Dr. Maurice. The claim of Pharaoh's divinity, mentions of the torments, Allah imposed on the Pharaoh and his servants due to his rebellion and cruelty.

And then the mention of his drowning in the Red Sea and the mention of the sea throwing Pharaoh's body out after his death.

When Dr. Maurice heard the translation, he cried out uncontrollably: There is no god except Allah and Mohamed (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him and his children) is His Messenger and servant.

Allah told the world this by promising to preserve Pharaoh's body and make it a sign of warning for future nations what is the fate of those who rebel against Allah And deny His Oneness? Only Allah is the Almighty, the worthy of worship. Every living thing has to perish one day but Allah is eternal. Only Allah is the creator of the universe and everything we can see, hear and feel. 

No one created him, but he created everyone and we all have to return to him.

After all, which of our signs will you reject??

We bestowed the Quran in Arabic so that you can understand it.

The Qur'an is an ocean for the seeker seeking answers to his questions and a reminder and warning for the wrongdoers -

Is there anyone who understands and practices it??

And Allah sends astray [thereby] whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.   

- The Holy Quran: Surah Ibrahim - Ayah No. 4

Whoever Allah guides - he is the [rightly] guided. And whoever He sends astray - it is those who are the losers   

- The Holy Quran: Surah Al A'raf - Ayah No. 178

You surely cannot guide whoever you like ˹O Prophet˺, but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are ˹fit to be˺ guided  

- The Holy Quran: Surah Al Qasas - Ayah No. 56

Indeed Guidance is in the hand of Allah. If Allah willed, He could guide all of mankind, for there is nothing that He cannot do on this earth or in the heavens or elsewhere.

Dr. Maurice is an example of this, which we've clearly described earlier in the video

May Allah grant us the ability to understand and act on his generous Quran - Amiin.

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