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The Mystery Behind The UFOs, Stealth Technology and Area 51 -

The untold truth about the Area 51 -

Mystery of the Area 51

By the way, the most secret and sensitive places worldwide are not for ordinary people to visit. But when it comes to US Air Base Area 51 in Nevada, the matter becomes a little different. Whether it's the extraterrestrial highway that welcomes aliens or the real UFOs found here or the corpses of aliens. America has fooled the whole world in the name of space creatures like aliens to spread fear among the people. But America has actually discovered the technology of the UFOs.

Because the prediction of its existence is also found in Ahadith. The Messenger of Allah described some characteristics of the ride of the Antichrist as a donkey in order to explain his companions. And he said that Dajjal will travel the whole world in 40 days. Which is very similar to the characteristics of modern UFOs. Which we will discuss step by step in detail later so you could understand the real purpose and the message given in the video.

These extraordinary accidents have attracted the world's attention and according to them, there is definitely something that America wants to keep secret from the world. In today's video, we are going to know about the mystery of this area.

Intro -

The United States of America is home to 350 Million people in 50 states with no official language. Washington DC is its capital. On July 4, 1776, America got its freedom from British oppression. And in September 1783, he got recognition all over the world. It extends from North to Canada and from South to Mexico. Since its independence, it has progressed so much that it never looked back again.

It even participated in world wars. The world continued to be destroyed and America became a superpower. Area 51 of Nevada, located approximately 83 miles south of the city of Las Vegas in the western part of the United States, is one of the most mysterious areas. There is security at every step. Both the earth and the sky are sealed. The board of the non-prohibited area is at the entrance here. From where neither a plane is allowed to fly nor a person to stray near this area.

Dense forests have been overgrown here and there is an order to shoot every prohibited man found here. There are listening devices at every step that make the sound of an even needle-falling sound like an explosion. Apart from this, the security cameras, which can capture even the smallest of things, are busy monitoring all the time. Even birds do not fly here.

When and How the Area 51 was discovered?

Until the decades of America's independence, no one knew about Area 51. In 1955, during the Vietnam War, the CIA accepted the existence of this area. In 2013, the CIA mentioned it as Area 51 in its official documents. At that time no one knew what was going on there. But the whole world got shocked when the name of the American Highway 375 existing in this area was changed to Extraterrestrial Highway. That is, the passage of Aliens and UFOs.

Misconceptions started to arise in the world about this matter, but the reality is completely opposite. In fact, by spreading fear and sensation about this area, people are being tried to keep away from its reality. So that no one gets a hint of the secret activities and agendas happening here. For a long time, this matter remained an unsolved riddle. 

But soon a sudden accident revealed this secret. Known in history as the Roswell accident. It was a Wednesday evening in July 1947. A flying saucer crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Roswell Air Base Army took this flying saucer into its possession. There were 8 aliens on board, out of which 6 were dead and two were alive. It was the technology of experimentally flying secret planes that were flying without being detected by any radar, i.e. stealth technology. 

But due to some technical glitch, it crashed on the ground and was exposed to the eyes of the world. This secret technology was being developed in Area 51 itself. On July 8, 1947, the news of this Roswell accident was covered in the headlines of newspapers. "The Mexican Air Force has captured a flying saucer from the Roswell area". This news was told to the media on the orders of US Air Force Colonel William Richard. 

But surprisingly a few hours later Col. William changed his statement. And said that it was not a flying saucer but a weather balloon. It is a matter of thinking, whether the colonel of the American air force does not even know whether it is a flying saucer or a weather balloon. It is clear that the hidden secret powers behind Col. William did not want this secret to be exposed to the world. All newspaper reports were changed, they were threatened with death if they did not do so.

The second time when the UFOs were seen and exposed to the world -

A scientist named Mack Brazel wrote an article on July 9, 1947, that he himself had seen the wreckage of the UFO. It was not a weather balloon. Shortly after this revelation, Brazel disappeared, and when he returned, he did not discuss the subject. Earlier, advanced warfare weapons and stealth technology were developed in Area 51. These planes cannot be detected by radar nor do they make any sound during their flight.

Russia exposed it in 1988 when it released some mysterious photos of Area 51 through its satellite in space. Where American forces can be seen practicing. These ships were also used in World War II. Otherwise, America was denying the existence of any such technology from the beginning. After this, hypersonic technology was introduced which can fly 8 times faster than the speed of sound. That is, the speed of 6000 mph. Which is enough to dodge any satellite/radar.

At such speed, suddenly, the human eye can see nothing but the explosion of a bomb. Later, this hypersonic technology was changed into today's UFO technology, behind which are the secret experiments that are hidden in Area 51. And hardly ever can be exposed to the world. After this incident, there was an endless series of sightings of flying saucers, the list of which is very long. Because Some called it a trick of the eyes while others confirmed its existence.

Cases of witnessing UFOs flying -

Only from 1947 to 1969, the American air force reported 12,618 such cases, while by the year 2008, 3,991 people claimed to have seen them.

The 1st Case :-

On January 7, 1948, an American captain, Thomas Melton, clearly saw a flying saucer flying in the sky. And chased him in his plane P51 but in a short time, his plane was shot down by this flying saucer and destroyed. After this accident, the American air force made a strange excuse saying that Captain Thomas was going to explore a planet. Which is an unacceptable excuse. Can a person be so foolish as to go into space by sitting on a plane flying to a certain altitude?

Verily, this was a vague explanation to hide this technology from the world.

IInd Case :-

In 1952, from July 13-29, 20 UFOs were seen flying over the White House in Washington, DC. When the planes left to search for them, these UFOs suddenly disappeared. The American public clamored to know the details of this incident. So, an attempt was made to find out the truth through the investigation of this incident under the Project Blue Book plan. When the Captain, Ed Ruppelt, asked for its report, he was also told that these flying saucers were actually weather balloons.

IIIrd Case :-

In 1989, a woman named Linda was abducted by UFOs while sleeping with her husband on the 12th floor of an apartment in New York. 

IVth Case :-

On January 23, 2008, 5 flying saucers were seen along in South India, which were only slightly above the ground surface. Sometime later, on August 27, 2008, there were crowds of people on the beach in Mumbai, India who were taking pictures with their cameras. At the same time, a huge flying saucer appeared from the sky and people turned their cameras toward it, after which this scene was recorded in the video, was visible for only 4 seconds and suddenly disappeared. 

Therefore, there are countless such incidents that prove the existence of flying saucers and their secret technology.

Now, as we said at the beginning of the video, let's talk in detail about the characteristics of flying saucers.

Some Additional Information about UFOs and its mention in Islam -

These flying saucers are made of a modern metal that is very shiny and looks like a bright light when seen from a distance. It can make its size small and large. Their speed can be 7 kmph or more. It can attract anything. If somebody comes near it, its body starts getting severe itching and burning in the eyes. It feels current in our body. It is capable of jamming power and communication systems. 

The most advanced laser rays released from it can destroy every aircraft easily. They have the ability to fly as well as walk also in the sea. Because they use the gravitational force of the earth to achieve such a high speed. Undoubtedly America has acquired the technology of flying saucers. Which is secretly being worked on rapidly in Area 51. This is why they are spreading terror among the people by attaching suspicious stories about this area to keep them away from it.

Because it is the ride of Dajjal, through which he will travel across the whole world in the blink of an eye. Which has been described as Dajjal's donkey in the blessed Ahadith. Under which seventy thousand people will be able to take shelter. This is such a modern and advanced technology that the rest of the world will not be able to access it even for the next hundred years. 

As far as aliens are concerned, such creatures are limited only to comics and stories that are the myths of us humans. These people try to give us the impression that they are not humans but space creatures. The bodies of the aliens found in the destroyed flying saucers are also human. These are the secret Jews who are preparing the army to make their false Messiah Dajjal powerful technically. 

As they are preparing people's minds for it by showing it in the series Messiah released on Netflix. So that they can establish the new world order. 

Conclusion -

Undoubtedly, there are both right and wrong forces in the world. And what will the evil forces do in the end times?? How will their temptation be?? Our Master SAW had told us 1400 years ago so that we could understand them and stand up against them. Just think about it, ponder on the characteristics of the UFOs and the donkey of the Antichrist, how similar are these attributes of both of them?? is not it??

Just use common sense, we who are trying so hard to spread awareness among you, are we kidding? not at all. If you ponder on the Ahadith of My Master SAW and what I have said, there are many signs in them for the wise. Now it depends on us whether we all get guidance from it despite knowing it or pass our lives by declaring this message as a myth or a rumor.

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